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72 Kilos Visit Japan

Our corporate member Yoitabi Travel – Agencia de Viajes especializada en Japon and セルバンテス文化センター have organized an Oscar Alonso‘s illustration exhibition, “展覧会72Kilos: 気分は旅 / Exposición 72Kilos: sentir es un viaje” in collaboration with the SpCCJ.

The exhibition is formed by a selection of 50 pieces out of over 6000 pieces that he has been drawing since he opened a blog in 2008. His paints represent heartfelt moments anyone can encounter in their daily lives with pastel colours, which touch the audience’s hearts deeply?

Yesterday was the opening ceremony welcoming Óscar. The event attendants could learn how he started his career as an artist and the sources of his inspiration followed by a passionate Q&A session.

You can visit the exhibition to find your favourite illustration at the Instituto Cervantes in Yotsuya until July 6th.

Buen trabajo Yoitabi Travel e Instituto de Cervantes por traer a “72 kilos” a Tokio