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Online CEO round table Discussion

As the COVID-19 pandemic is globally expanding and having economic and financial impacts, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Japan organized an online CEO round table Discussion to offer a suitable atmosphere where the CEOs & Managing Directors of our Corporate members could exchange information and ideas.

Atendants: Amadeus Japan, Chanel, CVNE, Dorna, Franchir, Freixenet Japan, Grupo Antolín, Hernandez-Echevarria, IE University, Igenomix Japan, J. García Carrion, Mormedi, Novajika, Orto Group, Solan de Cabras, Solarig, Videl Golosinas, Yoitabi Travel.

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Place: Microsoft Teams
Time: 17:00 – 18:30 JST
Language: English
Corporate Members Only