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New Food & Beverage Company Joins SpCCJ

We are happy to announce that Group Osborne joined the SpCCJ as a corporate member.

Osborne is a flagship Spanish producer of wine, spirits, and gourmet food with 250 years of history and a wild portfolio that includes iconic brands like Cinco Jotas premium ham, Nordés Gin, Montecillo Riojan wine, Carlos I Brandy or RioFrio caviar.

As a Group, they feel very closely connected with the Japanese consumer by the sense of quality, the value of tradition and prestige, and admiration for the craftsmanship. That is why, Japan is a strategic market for Osborne Group since Japan is also known for providing high-quality products for customers.

We are confident that they would create more pipelines of Spanish food with Japan to spread its gastronomy.

Please check their website for more information: Homepage (