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Business Opportunities in Asia-Pacific for Spanish Companies after the Pandemic

Español a continuación de Inglés | Spanish follows EnglishThe SpCCJ would like to invite you to the joint webinar with 6 Spanish Chambers in the Asia Pacific, “Business Opportunities in Asia-Pacific for Spanish Companies after the pandemic”.In this event, a representative from 7 Official Spanish Chambers in APAC (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Australia, Philippines, Singapore and India) will explain the business opportunities of […]


European Joint Chamber Networking Party 2021

We are pleased to join the next edition of the annual European Joint Chamber Networking Party, held this year on Thursday, October 14 at Shangri-La Tokyo. This is a great networking opportunity with business people from 8 European Chambers of commerce. We are very much looking forward to seeing you face to face again and celebrating this traditional gathering of European […]

Business Consulting: Online Networking Among the Members of the Spanish CHambers in APAC

Online networking event focused on the consulting industry for the members of the Spanish Chambers of Commerce in Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Australia, and India. Business & investment, sales, marketing, lawyers, tax & financial, accounting, communication, image, software & IT, digital performance, digital media agencies, human resources, translation, etc, consulting companies will have the chance to […]

Global trends in Fintech and Valuation of Online Platforms

Dear SpCCJ Members & Friends,On November 11th our Corporate member IE University organizes in collaboration with the Spanish Chambers of Commerce network in Asia, the Online Masterclass "Global trends in Fintech and Valuation of Online Platforms" by IE Professor Paolo Giancane.Overall Global Fintech funding in the first half of 2021 breached all-time records and valuations remained very high. Driven by pressure to accelerate digital […]

Spain Japan Business Contribution Awards 2021

Save the date for the 2021 Spain-Japan Business Contribution Awards. The highlight of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Japan’s calendar will be held on Friday 12 November.  In 2016, the Board of Directors of the SpCCJ decided to recognise successful business relations between Spain and Japan through the awards programme, “Spain Japan Business Contribution Awards”.In 2016, the Award was […]

The Key For Activating The Japanese Renewable Power Market

LEARN FROM THE EFFORTS OF EUROPEAN & US COMPANIESWe are delighted to announce that SpCCJ's Corporate Member, X-Elio will be speaking at the webinar entitled "The key for activating the Japanese renewable power market - Learn from the efforts of European & US companies -", together with ZECPOWER Inc. and Amazon Web Services (AWS). The […]

Foro Digital España-Japón 2021

El próximo día 2 de diciembre, la Fundación Consejo España Japón, con el apoyo de ambos Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores y la colaboración de la Cámara de Comercio de España en Japón transmitirá vía streaming desde un plató en Madrid, en español y japonés, en abierto previo registro. el Foro Digital España Japón 2021.La cooperación bilateral es más necesaria que […]

The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in the Economic Recovery

 As the world seeks an end to the Covid-19 pandemic and to start a recovery that can face the next challenges, the uneven nature of the pandemic is putting pressure on the development aid and cooperation policies. The economic downturn caused by the pandemic has created widely different experiences across the countries. Which role the Multilateral Development Banks have played […]

SpCCJ Young Professional Mentoring Program


As organizations have grown more complex, employees often need to take a more meandering path instead of a straight line to the top. Lateral moves to different departments or divisions can broaden employees’ experience to prepare them for a larger role but also create doubts and insecurities. Mentoring is a process, both voluntary and based on […]

Business Spanish Language Training Program


Communication obstacles like language barriers and stereotypes have a negative impact on international business and multicultural organizations. Effective communication can help to foster a good working relationship among your staff, improve communication with clients and increase your organization’s ability to communicate and understand an intercultural and growing population. The SpCCJ in collaboration with Novajika brings a useful tailormade Spanish language […]

SpCCJ Young Professional Mentoring Program – A Guide to the Mentoring Process


This master class will be held as part of the mentoring program for young people that the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Japan (SpCCJ) is planning. The session of 60 minutes targeting both mentors and mentees, will explain the importance of mentorship and in concrete will focus on: An exposition of concepts and basic aspects of […]

6th Inter-Chamber Ski Race

Dear SpCCJ members, Skiers, Snowboarders and Onsen Fans – our winter love story goes into its 6th edition!After we had to cancel our Ski and Snowboard event in 2021 due to the pandemic, we are now preparing for the 2022 edition, scheduled for the weekend of 11-12 February 2022.Winter sports lovers will notice that this […]