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Encuentro Digital: Diálogos España Japón en Tiempos Postcovid

La Fundación Consejo España Japón, con la colaboración del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación de España y del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Japón, organiza el 4 de marzo el encuentro digital “Diálogos España Japón en tiempos Postcovid: tendencias y oportunidades para nuestras economías y sociedades”.La organización del evento cuenta con el […]

Challenges and Opportunities for Women in Business

International Women's Day is celebrated annually on 8 March to recognize the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women - while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender equality.To celebrate this global day together and raise awareness of the importance of gender equality in Japan, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Japan (SpCCJ) is hosting […]

The 9th CLIC Event: Chopard Japan Ltd.

The SpCCJ, together with the Austrian Business Council, the Belgian-Luxembourg, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swiss and Swedish Chambers, is pleased to invite you to the 9th CLIC Event. Due to the current uncertainties caused by COVID-19, the event will take place online on the 9th CLIC Event, Mr Thomas Döbeli, General Manager of […]

CEO Round Table, Automotive Industry IV

SpCCJ’s CEO Round Table offers business leaders in Japan an exclusive opportunity to discuss set topics which include current business trends and factors impacting their businesses, challenges they face, future perspectives etc. It is a unique place to inspire each other for better decision-making and to create new opportunities.For this edition, we invite BMW Japan’s […]

世界のサッカービジネスにおける新潮流」 Sports&Life Business Talks #1

* This event will be held in Japanese / 日本語で開催のイベントのご案内となります* El audio de las presentaciones de los panelistas españoles, incluida la presentación de Iniesta, estarán disponibles en español.世界のサッカービジネスにおける新潮流」 Sports&Life Business Talks #1在日スペイン商工会議所の企業会員であるSPORTS&LIFEが、7月9日にオンラインにてサッカービジネスセミナーを開催します。SPORTS&LIFEグループは、元FCバルセロナ、スペイン代表のレジェンド、アンドレス・イニエスタが創業したスポーツビジネス企業です。スペイン、メキシコ、日本、韓国に拠点をおき、ブランドやアスリートと手を結び、マーケティングやコンテンツ制作を提供してきました。今回、第1回目のオンラインセミナーでは、イニエスタを始め欧州のサッカービジネスの最先端で活躍するエキスパートが講演者として、サッカービジネスの最新潮流を紹介いたします。※日本語同時通訳あり■日時7月9日(金)9:40 ~ 18:15(休憩を含む)■タイムスケジュール09:40~ SLBTオープニングトーク    加藤萌映(在日スペイン商工会議所)                Moe Kato (Cámara de Comercio de España en Japón)09:45~「スポーツとプロジェクトを結びつけ、無限の価値に」    堀弘人              […]

Enhancing Engagement & Performance in a Disruptive Market

Today disruption is the new norm. Business as usual is no longer good enough. This new reality is giving way to the rise of teams. Cross-functional, agile, on-demand and effective teams that can deliver results while adapting to new realities, technologies and evolving business models.This means that team leaders and HR professionals need to find […]

Tokyo 2020 Paralympics—One Day to Go! The Impact of the Tokyo Paralympics in 1964 and 2021

The Paralympics are coming to Tokyo! Join us for this special event co-hosted by the Paralliance – a coalition of 20 international chambers of commerce in Japan.The Paralympics often improve accessibility for people with an impairment in the country where the Games are hosted. In fact, the Games are an excellent way to raise awareness […]

Business Opportunities in Asia-Pacific for Spanish Companies after the Pandemic

Español a continuación de Inglés | Spanish follows EnglishThe SpCCJ would like to invite you to the joint webinar with 6 Spanish Chambers in the Asia Pacific, “Business Opportunities in Asia-Pacific for Spanish Companies after the pandemic”.In this event, a representative from 7 Official Spanish Chambers in APAC (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Australia, Philippines, Singapore and India) will explain the business opportunities of […]


Global trends in Fintech and Valuation of Online Platforms

Dear SpCCJ Members & Friends,On November 11th our Corporate member IE University organizes in collaboration with the Spanish Chambers of Commerce network in Asia, the Online Masterclass "Global trends in Fintech and Valuation of Online Platforms" by IE Professor Paolo Giancane.Overall Global Fintech funding in the first half of 2021 breached all-time records and valuations remained very high. Driven by pressure to accelerate digital […]

The Key For Activating The Japanese Renewable Power Market

LEARN FROM THE EFFORTS OF EUROPEAN & US COMPANIESWe are delighted to announce that SpCCJ's Corporate Member, X-Elio will be speaking at the webinar entitled "The key for activating the Japanese renewable power market - Learn from the efforts of European & US companies -", together with ZECPOWER Inc. and Amazon Web Services (AWS). The […]

Foro Digital España-Japón 2021

El próximo día 2 de diciembre, la Fundación Consejo España Japón, con el apoyo de ambos Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores y la colaboración de la Cámara de Comercio de España en Japón transmitirá vía streaming desde un plató en Madrid, en español y japonés, en abierto previo registro. el Foro Digital España Japón 2021.La cooperación bilateral es más necesaria que […]

The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in the Economic Recovery

 As the world seeks an end to the Covid-19 pandemic and to start a recovery that can face the next challenges, the uneven nature of the pandemic is putting pressure on the development aid and cooperation policies. The economic downturn caused by the pandemic has created widely different experiences across the countries. Which role the Multilateral Development Banks have played […]