What started as a health crisis has morphed into an economic crisis. Navigating a state of emergency, business leaders are challenged daily to attend to the needs of multiple stakeholders.
Initial imperatives of ensuring employee safety, and enabling operational continuity, have been joined by concerns over supply chain integrity and changing modes of customer engagement. As budgets bend and forecast fracture, financial risk is ever-present.
The accelerated adoption of digital technologies has the potential to unlock exciting new business models and facilitate mobility and decentralized working – yet these virtues bring vulnerability. Amongst this complexity and uncertainty, leaders must conceive and create their command center – an organizational response to these challenges that enables them to operate their business, manage risk, and ensure regulatory compliance. Supporting decision making today, whilst planning for tomorrow.
The Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Japan (SpCCJ), together with the Belgium-Luxembourge Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BLCCJ) has invited partners and directors of the Japan member firm of Deloitte to share with our members, their perspective related to doing business in Japan during the COVID-19 emergency.
Event Details
Title: Managing through the maelstrom: COVID-19 – a health and economic crisis
Date: Friday, 29 May 2020
Place: Webinar
Time: 11:30 – 12:30JST
Language: English
Registration: https://www.cognitoforms.com/SpanishChamberOfCommerceInJapan/ManagingThroughTheMaelstrom
Ticket price: Free (Members Only)
Registration & Cancellation Deadline: 29 May 2020 9:00am
This is an event only for SpCCJ & BLCCJ Members.
Are you not a Member yet? Find out more about the membership category and benefits on our website and contact us at info@spanishchamber.or.jp
Membership available from JPY10,000/ year.