Having worries or difficulties with working with Spanish people and companies? Spanish business culture can be different from Japanese ones and sometimes gives you a culture shock.
In this introduction online course, we will give you tips on doing business with Spanish companies/ people. You will learn all the business essentials from meeting etiquette to basic but useful words in business scenes.
Introduction to Spanish Business Etiquette is a freemium online course aimed to help all the professionals in Japan working in business environments where Spanish is used.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to find yourself in a more comfortable situation, understand and interact naturally in a Spanish professional environment.
スぺラボ (Supelabo) is an online Spanish course for advanced students and local residents of Spain. The professors are native Spanish teachers, interpreters and translators with practical experience. You can learn both the Spanish used in business and real-life with original teaching materials and tutorials that reflect the latest industry trends. This course is led by Novajika.
The Spain Business Etiquette Online Course has been designed by スぺラボ and the SpCCJ to offer a beginner level course to the Spanish Chamber of Commerce business network in Japan.